What Happens if the Bank Forecloses on My Short Sale?
It happens quite often…more than you realize…that a home in process of a short sale is foreclosed on. It is a common misconception that the lender won’t file a foreclosure lawsuit against you if you are currently in the process of negotiating a short sale or loan modification. Example: Debbie lists her home for a […]
Defined Contribution Plans Offer Employees Great Retirement Potential
As a business owner, if you work with federal contracts, you already know that the landscape is riddled with potential compliance landmines. The government is very focused on compliance with all of the provisions of the Davis-Bacon Act. One area that companies often find troublesome relates to Defined Contribution Plans. According to the United States […]
Should I Hire a Lawyer for a Mortgage Mediation or Foreclosure?
Should I Hire a Lawyer for a Mortgage Mediation or Foreclosure? – If your lender has failed to approve previous effort to modify your loan, often mediation is the best way to go. What is mediation? Foreclosure mediation is a meeting where a homeowner and mortgage lender negotiate potential modifications or other alternatives before an […]
The Foreclosure Fairness Act

The Foreclosure Fairness Act A little known law helps protect homeowners from foreclosure even when their situation may seem dire. The Department of Commerce is trying to spread the word about this law and Advantage Legal is here to help. The Washington State Department of Commerce put out a press release to let people know […]
What If I’m a Year Behind in My Mortgage Payments?

What If I’m a Year Behind in My Mortgage Payments? You may be behind only two months in your mortgage payments or up to two years behind! Wherever you may find yourself on that scale, the question is, what do you do and what’s going to happen? First and foremost, let’s be clear that it […]
Can I Refinance After a Mortgage Modification?
Advantage Legal Group is in the business of helping people that are in financial distress either modify their existing mortgage, refinance or find a way to mediate between the lender and the homeowner. We get asked quite often if homeowners can refinance after a mortgage modification. A mortgage modification is typically handled between a housing […]
Will a Mortgage Modification Work for Me?
Will a Mortgage Modification Work for Me? To hear the term, “mortgage modification” incites both hope and fear. Why because it is a way to save your home, but very few achieve it. Even housing counselors admit that there’s seemingly something mysterious that dictates who actually qualify for a mortgage modification but there ARE ways […]
Is Bankruptcy Scary?
Is Bankruptcy Scary? Bankruptcy scares people. In fact, even people up to their eyeballs in debt, are scared witless by the thought of filing bankruptcy! It seems absurd almost. What ‘s so scary about filing bankruptcy? There are three unspoken fears about bankruptcy: -loss of control over financial affairs -the future with a bankruptcy on […]
Don’t Go it Alone – The Washington Fairness Foreclosure Act
Don’t Go it Alone – The Washington Fairness Foreclosure Act There are still many homeowners facing foreclosure. For the last three years, Advantage Legal Group has been doing much to inform those homeowners about the hope they may have in the Fairness Foreclosure Act. Their efforts have been pretty successful and they’ve saved the homes […]
Bankruptcy Fees are Increasing
Bankruptcy Fees are Goin’ UP! As of June 1st, 2014 the Bankruptcy Court will be increasing its fees for filing and general services. Periodically the filing fees in the U.S. federal and state courts do increase and that’s why we’re seeing this happen. If you are considering filing bankruptcy, now may be a good time […]