Bellevue Branch – (425) 452-9797

Federal Way – (206) 414-2750

Are All Debts Forgiven in Bankruptcy?

Are All Debts Forgiven in Bankruptcy? Bankruptcy is a very useful thing that can help many people and give them a fresh start in their financial lives. Many debts can be discharged in bankruptcy. However, there are sometimes exceptions. Debts that are commonly discharged in bankruptcy include things such as: -credit cards or unsecured loans […]

How Do I Start a Bankruptcy?

Where do you start if you are considering bankruptcy? Reality has changed for millions of people over the last few years. Even though the housing market has recovered nicely, for some, this reality is not in their favor.  If you feel overwhelmed by a mountain of debt and can’t see your way out of the […]

Is Bankruptcy Embarrassing?

Is Bankruptcy Embarrassing? Being an adult is rough. As an adolescent we would hesitate to do things, worried about what our peers would think, and often, being an adult is no different. Being an adult doesn’t mean you no longer have emotions or that you don’t worry about others judging you. However, being an adult […]

Before I File for Bankruptcy, Can I Sell Some of My Assets?

Bankruptcy is all about helping an individual(s) resolve debt and learn better financial management. Getting a fresh start is not just about leaving the past behind but it also requires someone to protect the assets they still have. You can maximize the benefits of this by NOT borrowing, selling or getting rid of these assets […]

How Fast Can My Credit Score Come Back After Bankruptcy?

Bankruptcy can be a scary word but it also can mean freedom and relief from major stress. There are a lot of reasons why someone might choose to file bankruptcy, either a divorce or painful separation from someone that has ruined your credit, medical injuries or bills, or even job loss. Bankruptcy is nothing any […]

Protecting Bank Accounts When filing for Bankruptcy

  Protecting funds in a bank account is often a top priority of those filing for Chapter 7 or 13 bankruptcy. The effect that bankruptcy will have on any money deposited into your personal bank accounts is dependent upon if the money has been protected by a bankruptcy exemption and the amount of pre-bankruptcy planning […]

Is Bankruptcy Scary?

Is Bankruptcy Scary? Bankruptcy scares people. In fact, even people up to their eyeballs in debt, are scared witless by the thought of filing bankruptcy! It seems absurd almost. What ‘s so scary about filing bankruptcy? There are three unspoken fears about bankruptcy: -loss of control over financial affairs -the future with a bankruptcy on […]

Bankruptcy Requirements

Bankruptcy Requirements Some of history’s most successful business owners including a past president have gone through bankruptcy. Henry Ford, Walt Disney, even Abraham Lincoln all went through bankruptcy. Bankruptcy can actually be good for society, allowing people to make mistakes and recover from them and move on. Without bankruptcy, we wouldn’t have the Ford Motor […]

Bankruptcy Fees are Increasing

Bankruptcy Fees are Goin’ UP! As of June 1st, 2014 the Bankruptcy Court will be increasing its fees for filing and general services. Periodically the filing fees in the U.S. federal and state courts do increase and that’s why we’re seeing this happen. If you are considering filing bankruptcy, now may be a good time […]

Bankruptcy Filings are Dropping Across the Nation

Bankruptcy Filings are Dropping Across the Nation Bankruptcies, both of personal and business nature, continued to steadily drop throughout 2013 across the nation. This is both shocking and interesting as bankruptcies were actually predicted to rise by at least 8% in 2013. Business bankruptcies in particular, actually dropped 24%. This is the lowest they’ve been […]