Bellevue Branch – (425) 452-9797

Federal Way – (206) 414-2750

Taxes and Student Loans in Bankruptcy

Taxes and Student Loans in Bankruptcy There are certain kinds of debt that can be discharged in bankruptcy. A Chapter 7 bankruptcy is a great way to reduce or eliminate many debts.  A Chapter 7 bankruptcy can help discharge credit card debts, medical debts and many other types of unsecured debt.  A Chapter 7 bankruptcy […]

What Do You Lose If You Declare Bankruptcy?

If you are reading this, you probably know what it means to claim bankruptcy and is looking to find consequences. On the flip side, there is you who sauntered onto this article unbeknownst of what ‘bankruptcy’ means. I will keep you both in mind through this. Shall we? Bankruptcy is the legal process that involves […]

How Much Do You Have to Be in Debt to File Chapter 7 Bankruptcy?

How much do you have to be in debt to file Chapter 7 Bankruptcy? Are you neck-deep in debt? Are you considering filing up for bankruptcy? When you think of filing up for bankruptcy, do selling off your assets come to mind? If your answer to these questions is a yes, then you need to […]

Can Mortgage Forbearance Hurt Your Credit?

Can Mortgage Forbearance Hurt Your Credit? and why As we all know, the world is currently experiencing a financial downturn due to the ongoing pandemic, which has directly affected millions of jobs. As such, a lot of homeowners are bothered concerning their mortgage payments. There have been some incentives by mortgage providers to soften the […]

3 Reasons Homeowner Counseling May Be Good Even After You’re a Homeowner

As a young prospective home buyer, you are always advised to seek the counsel of professionals. Experts like real estate agents, accountants, even architects, are all important during your search for a perfect home to start your new life and raise your family. But there is one professional who is the most important as they […]

What Documents Do I Need to Start a Mortgage Forbearance?

With the recent coronavirus that hit the world really hard, most people have been forced to face untold hardship. This isn’t something that was bargained for by anyone, it just happened and everyone needs to adjust to the changes in the economy. The pandemic has affected the economy so badly that most people are worried […]

How Low Will My Credit Drop After a Short Sale or Foreclosure?

With credit scores, one can easily predict the possibility of you making payments on time, paying off loans, and helping a lender determine whether you are a risk. Credit scores are determined by an individual’s lending history and ability to repay and manage debts based on the agreement. Factors like letting your mortgage payment slide, […]

How Bad is Bankruptcy Really?

Filing for bankruptcy means telling the judge that you cannot pay off your debts. After this is done, the court checks your assets and liabilities then decides if you are eligible to have your debts cancelled or discharged. If it is seen that you have no means to pay back, they let you declare bankruptcy. […]

What Do You Lose if You Declare Bankruptcy?

Before you finally go to the judge or court to file for bankruptcy, the major worry to have is what you stand to lose. It might be your house, property, a potential job, or client as the record of your bankruptcy is available to public access. Bankruptcy is the last resort when the debt starts […]

How Far Behind Do I Have to Be For Mortgage Forbearance?

Under normal circumstances, there are policies owned by all lenders, and that is what you should be working with. However, if you are finding it difficult paying you mortgages either due to lose of job or increase in costs. There is a 15-day grace period, and if you are able to meet up and make […]