3 Reasons Homeowner Counseling May Be Good Even After You’re a Homeowner
As a young prospective home buyer, you are always advised to seek the counsel of professionals. Experts like real estate agents, accountants, even architects, are all important during your search for a perfect home to start your new life and raise your family. But there is one professional who is the most important as they […]
What Documents Do I Need to Start a Mortgage Forbearance?
With the recent coronavirus that hit the world really hard, most people have been forced to face untold hardship. This isn’t something that was bargained for by anyone, it just happened and everyone needs to adjust to the changes in the economy. The pandemic has affected the economy so badly that most people are worried […]
Is Too Much Technology Hurting our Relationships?
The technology is all around us and it’s no big secret that we should have some balance in this department in our lives. But, when it comes to the professional world versus the social world, is there a balance to oversharing, being formal, and general overuse of technology? In the real estate industry technology is […]
Unique and Strange Real Estate Terms
These real estate and property terms are used quite a bit but many people have no idea what they actually mean. If you’re considering investing in real estate, selling or buying your first property, here are some key terms you should know. APR – this stands for the annual percentage rate but you may also […]
Bankruptcy or Foreclosure Looming?
Bankruptcy or Foreclosure Looming? Let The Washington Foreclosure Fairness Act Help you! New Mortgage Foreclosure Program for the State of Washington. A little known Mortgage foreclosure program went into effect in Washington State in 2011. It is called the Washington foreclosure fairness act (FFA). This program is for you if you need help paying your […]
Should I Use My Stimulus Check for Bills?
Like millions of Americans, most of us will be getting some sort of a stimulus check in the next couple of weeks. When we hear the word stimulus we understand that it is to stimulate the economy but that doesn’t mean going out and buying the latest television or blowing it on something nonessential. Stimulating […]
20 Tips for Getting a Job During a Pandemic
This coronavirus health crisis has seemed to rock the job market overnight. Businesses are laying off workers, folks are worried about paying their mortgage and their bills, and about six and half million people have filed for unemployment. So what is this mean for folks that may have already started looking for jobs? Those already […]
Homeowner Relief from COVID-19

While some of us still might be getting a paycheck others of us may not and with your mortgage payment looming that can be extremely stressful. With the outbreak of coronavirus, homeowners may find themselves in challenging situations unable to make their mortgage payments. 7 out of 10 Americans live paycheck to paycheck and have […]
Fear losing your home? Foreclosure looming?
You held out for this long but your lender has finally sent you the” letter.” However, the letter talks about consumer debt counseling and mediation. This is part of the Washington Foreclosure fairness act. Lenders must inform you of your rights before a Foreclosure can be processed. Bankruptcy is a valuable option to consider. Understanding […]
Preventing Bankruptcies
We are in some unusual and unprecedented times right now but that doesn’t’ mean you can’t prepare and still have some time to plan. People use the phrase “Practice good money management.” However, what does this really mean? Terms like impulse spending, realistic budgeting, and no high-risk investment are not part of the “good practice.” […]